Starry Night Gallery ?


Welcome to the Starry Night Gallery! These are the paintings that are featured in the Play.

Calling Artists:

We’re inviting local artists to donate a rendition for the performance. * Paintings below with a name after them are already being done by an artist. If there is a “?” – that means the painting is still available to do.  Please contact us with links to your work if you’d like to do a rendition.

Approved artists:

You can paint the work in any medium you wish, and sign it.

The sizing is around 3′ x 2′, depending on the dimensions of the one you’re doing, but doesn’t have to be exact.

Compensation: Artists receives two free tickets, free publicity, plus:  if you’d like your work to be part of a special auction/sale after the Box Factory performances, you’ll need to complete TWO renditions (one for the sale and one for future performances). We’re compensating artists 50% of the profit from any sale of their duplicate work.

When: Please have the paintings to us by Fri. April 29 (or sooner) which will give us time to rehearse with the paintings as the premiere is May 27.